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Breathing New Life Into Existing Drugs


Release date:29/09/2020


Webinar Breathing New Life Into Existing Drugs

Breathing New Life Into Existing Drugs

Finding new uses for old drugs is now a significant trend in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Repurposing or repositioning a drug is often a faster and more affordable way to develop new products than de novo drug discovery and development, and the inhaled route of administration can offer significant therapeutic advantages and patient benefits.

The webinar “Breathing New Life Into Existing Drugs”, presented by Geraldine Venthoye,  Chief Scientific Officer and EVP – Product Development at Vectura, explores the opportunities in repurposing and repositioning existing therapies for new uses, the use of technology and delivery platforms to increase differentiation, and the abbreviated regulatory pathways available to developers.

To view the webinar, click here

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